Image Archive

Choose which top level category you would like to browse from the list, each category has subcategories for each model produced which contain galleries of images, along with information about each model.

I will be updating the images in many of the categories this year. Also if you have good images that you would like adding to the archive please contact me.

I’m often asked which camera I use for the video footage. I have always got a GoPro with me, but in recent years most of the footage is shot on the Sena Prism Bluetooth helmet cam.

The reason I prefer the Sena Prism is because I also use a Sena Bluetooth headset/intercom system, This not only allows me to communicate with my pillion but also connects to the camera which enables me to operate the camera while riding and also records audio from the intercom system.

It’s a very versatile setup that I wouldn’t be without when touring.

ILC blog site

Indecipherables Lambretta Collective are the club we are members of, they have a blog site where their 2017 Euro trip is documented with many images and video.

ILC logo